Full Streaming Une famille à louer in High Quality Video
Now you can download full Une famille à louer in top video format with duration 97 Min and was published in 2015-08-19 and MPAA rating is 13.- Original Title : Une famille à louer
- Movie title in your country : Une famille à louer
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : Comedy,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-08-19
- Companies of movie :
- Countries of movie :
- Language of movie : Français,
- Durationof movie : 97 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.8
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : FR,EN,
- Cast of movie :Benoît Poelvoorde (Paul-André), Virginie Efira (Violette Mandini), François Morel (Léon), Édith Scob (Madame Delalande), Philippe Rebbot (Rémi), Pauline Serieys (Lucie), Calixte Broisin-Doutaz (Auguste), Nancy Tate (Sandra)
Movie plot of Une famille à louer :
Full Streaming Une famille à louer in Best Quality with movie synopsis "Forty-year-old Paul-André is a timid, rather introverted man. Rich but alone, he is deeply bored and ends up concluding that what he needs is a family. Violette, a forty-year-old full of energy, is threatened with eviction and is afraid she'll lose custody of her two children. Paul-André then proposes a totally above the board contract to rent the family in exchange for him paying off Violette's debts. For better and for worse.." in best video format. Free Une famille à louer in Top Video Format by viewing the download link.
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... Full Length of Une famille à louer in High Definition Format 1080p ...
Director : Jean-Pierre Améris, Screenplay : Jean-Pierre Améris, Screenplay : Murielle Magellan, Casting : Tatiana Vialle, Production Design : Franck Schwarz, Editor : Anne Souriau, Director of Photography : Virginie Saint-Martin, Costume Design : Nathalie du Roscoat, Production Manager : Baudoin Capet, Producer : Philippe Godeau, Producer : Nathalie Gastaldo
Sure, now you can watch movie regarding Une famille à louer in full length and have the hyperlink to this movie Une famille à louer in High Quality Video.
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