Watch Full Daddy or Mommy in Best Video Format
Now you can enjoy Daddy or Mommy in HD quality with duration 85 Min and has been launched in 2015-02-04 and MPAA rating is 83.- Original Title : Papa ou maman
- Movie title in your country : Daddy or Mommy
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : Comedy,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-02-04
- Companies of movie : M6 Films, Pathe, Umedia, Chapter 2, Fargo Films,
- Countries of movie : France,
- Language of movie : Français,
- Durationof movie : 85 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.8
- Youtube ID of movie : bGE5WtXWcCI
- Translation of movie : FR,EN,DE,ES,RU,HE,TR,DA,
- Cast of movie :Marina Foïs (Florence Leroy), Laurent Lafitte (Vincent Leroy), Alexandre Desrousseaux (Mathias Leroy), Anna Lemarchand (Emma Leroy), Judith El Zein (Virginie), Michaël Abiteboul (Paul), Vanessa Guide (Marion), Achille Potier (Julien Leroy), Anne Le Ny (Le Juge), Yves Verhoeven (Henri), Yannick Choirat (Xavier), Michel Vuillermoz (Coutine)
Movie summary of Daddy or Mommy :
Free Streaming Daddy or Mommy in HD Quality with movie plot "Florence and Vincent Leroy are a model couple. They have great jobs, a perfect marriage and delightful children. And now they want their divorce to be an equal success. But when they are both simultaneously promoted to their dream jobs, their relationship becomes a nightmare. From that moment on, the gloves are off, the two exes declare war and will do everything in their power to NOT have custody of their children." in top video format. Play full Daddy or Mommy in HD Format by viewing the download link.
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Director : Martin Bourboulon, Screenplay : Matthieu Delaporte, Screenplay : Alexandre de La Patellière, Idea : Guillaume Clicquot de Mentque, Editor : Virginie Bruant, Original Music Composer : Jérôme Rebotier, Director of Photography : Laurent Dailland, Production Design : Stéphane Taillasson, Costume Design : Anne Schotte, Producer : Alexandre de La Patellière, Producer : Dimitri Rassam, Co-Producer : Serge de Poucques, Co-Producer : Matthieu Delaporte, Co-Producer : Romain Le Grand, Co-Producer : Adrian Politowski, Co-Producer : Gilles Waterkeyn, Co-Producer : Sylvain Goldberg
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